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Modernizing Government Communication, Connecting Citizens

ARROW Overview

Iron Bow's transformative digital messaging platform designed to modernize communication between government agencies and their constituents. 

ARROW leverages the power of SMS, MMS, and WhatsApp messaging to provide seamless, secure, and direct communication channels to meet citizens wherever they are.

With a relentless focus on security and reliability, ARROW transcends geographical barriers, offering unparalleled accessibility and immediacy in connecting with individuals worldwide. 




  • Building Trust in Government Services Through Secure and Personalized Communications.

    Secure, encrypted messaging and confidential reporting capabilities not only ensure the privacy and protection of sensitive information but also significantly enhance the trust citizens place in government services. ARROW opens the door to personalized communications with the ability to segment audiences and tailor messages to reach the right people at the right time.
  • Ensuring Security and Compliance Through FedRAMP.

    ARROW is currently undergoing the FedRAMP Authorization process. Employing robust end-to-end encryption, ARROW aims to have strict adherence to data standards such as NIST SP 800-53. With continuous real-time monitoring and advanced threat detection mechanisms, ARROW will provide an ironclad defense against potential breaches, reinforcing trust in the integrity and confidentiality of government interactions.

  • Empowering Government Communications Through Comprehensive Messaging Suite.

    ARROW offers a comprehensive messaging suite, seamlessly integrating SMS, MMS, and WhatsApp Messaging. With robust security measures and real-time route optimization, ARROW ensures efficient dissemination of critical information, from emergency alerts to personalized services, fostering public safety and citizen engagement. This platform goes beyond outbound messaging, facilitating two-way engagement and feedback loops, promoting a responsive and citizen-centric approach to governance.
  • Modernizing With Ease Through Seamless Integration and Flexibility.

    ARROW's architecture is designed for seamless integration into existing government IT ecosystems, ensuring agencies can adopt the platform with minimal disruption to current operations. ARROW's flexible nature allows for customization tailored to meet specific agency needs, whether integrating with CRM systems for better service tracking or social media platforms for wider public engagement. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Together, let’s embark on a journey that will leave you inspired, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer new horizons. Iron Bow’s NSC’23 is a chance to be moved, forge lasting connections, and reignite the fire within. 

Platinum Sponsor : $150,000 (Sold Out) 


  • Seven rooms at the JW Marriott for 3 nights (Dec 4-6) 
  • First Partner Presentation timeslot on Tuesday or Wednesday, for the opportunity to present to the entire Iron Bow Sales, Technical, and Executive Teams. (Presentation includes three optional polling questions to the audience).  
  • Opportunity for Executive one-on-one meetings  
  • Opportunity for an Iron Bow Executive Networking Happy Hour 
  • Invitation to hear Conference Keynote on Dec 5 
  • Invitation to hear Industry Keynote on Dec 6 
  • Invitation to luncheon to hear presentation by. Iron Bow Sales & Alliances Executives on strategy and direction for 2024 on Dec 6 




  • Branding of NSC’23 conference gifts for all attendees 
  • Mention and branding of Title Sponsorship during General Session 
  • Participation in the following networking events:  
    • Conference Opening Reception on Dec 4 
    • Executive Luncheon on Dec 5 
    • Partner Appreciation Party on Dec 5 
    • Partner Awards Ceremony on Dec 6 
    • Premier positioning at the Partner Showcase (6-foot tabletop) offering an opportunity to meet with all Iron Bow attendees on Dec 6 
    • Costume Networking Event on Dec 6 

Gold Sponsor : $60,000 (Sold Out) 

  • Four passes provided (additional passes are available for an additional fee)
  • Ability to reserve rooms at the JW Marriott using Iron Bow's discounted rate for 3 nights (Dec 4-6) (Paid for by sponsor)
  • Presentation opportunity to present to the entire Iron Bow Sales, Iron Bow Sales, Technical and Executive Teams. (Presentation includes three optional polling questions to the audience).
  • Invitation to hear Conference Keynote on Dec 5
  • Invitation to hear Industry Keynote on Dec 6 
  • Invitation to luncheon to hear presentation by Iron Bow Sales & Alliances Executives on strategy and direction for 2024 on Dec 6
  • Participation in the following networking events:
    • Conference Opening Reception on Dec 4
    • Executive Luncheon on Dec 5
    • Partner Appreciation Party on Dec 5
    • Partner Awards Ceremony on Dec 6
    • Costume Networking Event on Dec 6 

Silver Sponsor : $25,000 (4 available) 

  • Three passes provided (additional passes are available for an additional fee)
  • Ability to reserve rooms at the JW Marriott using Iron Bow's discounted rate for 3 nights (Dec 4-6) (Paid for by sponsor)
  • Invitation to hear Conference Keynote on Dec 5
  • Invitation to hear Industry Keynote on Dec 6
  • Invitation to luncheon to hear presentation by Iron Bow Sales & Alliances Executives on strategy and direction for 2024 on Dec 6
  • Participation in the following networking events:  
    • Conference Opening Reception on Dec 4
    • Executive Luncheon on Dec 5
    • Partner Appreciation Party on Dec 5
    • Partner Awards Ceremony on Dec 6
    • Costume Networking Event on Dec 6 

Bronze Sponsor : $8,000 (7 available) 

  • Two passes provided (additional passes are available for an additional fee)
  • Ability to reserve rooms at the JW Marriott using Iron Bow's discounted rate for 3 nights (Dec 4-6) (Paid for by sponsor)
  • Invitation to hear Conference Keynote on Dec 5
  • Invitation to hear Industry Keynote on Dec 6 
  • Invitation to luncheon to hear presentation by Iron Bow Sales & Alliances Executives on strategy and direction for 2024 on Dec 6
  • Participation in the following networking events:
    • Conference Opening Reception on Dec 4
    • Partner Appreciation Party on Dec 5
    • Partner Awards Ceremony on Dec 6
    • Costume Networking Event on Dec 6 

Sponsorship Add Ons

  • Mobile App Sponsor
  • Conference Wi-Fi Sponsor 
  • Collaboration Lounge Sponsor
  • Room Drop Sponsor 

*Options listed are not exhaustive/limited. Please contact us for pricing as well as additional opportunities you don’t see listed above.

Partner Sponsor Registration 


Use Cases

Instantly disseminate critical information during emergencies, ensuring citizens receive timely and potentially life-saving updates directly to their mobile devices. 

  • Public Service Announcements: Broadcast important announcements from road closures to travel updates to public health advisories, maintaining informed and safe communities.
  • Appointment Reminders: Whether it's telehealth or license renewal, simplify access to government services with automated reminders for appointments, reducing no-shows and improving operational efficiency. 
  • Feedback Surveys: Engage citizens directly by sending short surveys via SMS or WhatsApp, gathering valuable feedback on services and initiatives to drive continuous improvement. 
  • Informational Campaigns: Use targeted messaging campaigns to educate citizens on key issues, policies, or events, promoting awareness and civic engagement. 


Ready to Modernize Your Government Communications?

Experience the power of ARROW today. Contact us to schedule a meeting and discuss how we can help.