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Fortify Data & Systems


Network Security
Network Security
  • Cisco ISE 
  • Cisco ASA/FTD
  • Cisco SDA
Security Architecture
Security Architecture
  • Zero Trust Architecture
  • Network Segmentation
  • CSFC
Identity & Cloud Security
Identity & Cloud Security
  • Cyber Resilience & Data Protection
  • Cloud Security
  • TVM- Threat & Vulnerability Management
Tactical Cybersecurity
Tactical Cybersecurity
  • Managed Security Operations
  • Assessments
  • Incident Response
Featured Solution

Future Ready Attack Protection Through Cybersecurity-as-a-Service

When it comes to your cybersecurity posture, you need to stay one step ahead of adversaries. At Iron Bow, our Tactical Cybersecurity-as-a-Service offering through our elite cyberwarriors will help you prevent, defend and respond to cyber threats to protect your critical assets, data, and reputation. 

Our SECOPS protection packages help you prioritize and respond to both insider and outsider threats 24x7x365.

SECOPS Features
  • Threat Detection: Our analysts use advanced tools and intelligence feeds to monitor and respond to cyber threats continuously.
  • Alert Triage: We have a dedicated team available 24/7 to handle and escalate alerts for immediate response.
  • Attack Containment: Our Quick Reaction Force (QRF) swiftly responds to contain attacks and investigate their causes.
  • Threat Hunting: Our analysts and machine learning systems actively search for and isolate threats, even those that traditional systems may miss.
  • Cyberweapons Management: We regularly inspect and maintain the functionality of our cyber weapons.
  • Operational Reporting: We provide reports on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) to improve operational security and reduce risk.

Our team of analysts help you assess and understand your system weaknesses and vulnerabilities through these methods.

VULN Features
  • Scanning & Assessments: We use scanning tools to find vulnerabilities in your systems and manage those vulnerabilities. We also conduct penetration tests to assess security.
  • Prioritization: We help you prioritize which vulnerabilities to address first, ensuring you focus on the most high-impact ones.
  • Coordination: We schedule scans, respond to scan requests, and improve processes to deal with cyber incidents effectively.
  • Threat Assessment: We provide advisories on threats based on open-source intelligence and vendor advisories.
  • Ticket Handling: We manage and automate the processing of tickets related to vulnerabilities, including prioritizing them based on their criticality.
  • Vulnerability Reporting: We provide reports on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) to help you understand your security posture and comply with audit requirements.

Our incident response service focus on containing breaches conducting digital forensics, and training.

CIRT Features
  • Preparation & Identification: We help you plan and prepare for incidents through exercises and severity assessments. We also provide guidance on deploying cyberweapons if necessary.
  • Recovery: We assist in recovering critical assets by defining and achieving Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO).
  • Containment: Our Quick Response Force (QRF) swiftly responds to contain attacks, investigate their causes, and develop strategies for ongoing containment.
  • Evidence Management: We follow best practices for collecting evidence, store it securely, and maintain a clear chain of custody.
  • Eradication: We ensure attackers are removed, vulnerabilities are remediated, and further intrusions are prevented.
  • After Action Reporting: We provide comprehensive reports detailing the attack, response, indicators of compromise, and suggestions for improvement.
Featured Resource

Your organization was just attacked. How will you respond?

Security is a shared responsibility between users, administrators, and technical professionals. Tabletop Exercises (TTX) provide opportunities for stakeholders to work through a scenario to demonstrate and assess capabilities in cybersecurity risk management.

TTXs are designed to help cross departmental teams examine capacities and capabilities to plan for, respond to, and recover from a cybersecurity incident, as well as facilitate coordination and help clarify organizational roles and responsibilities. Our cybersecurity experts will help you conduct TTXs to guide your teams’ development of tactical strategies for securing your systems.




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