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Iron Bow Team Culture
Francesca El Attrash-UkaejiofoJune 18 20243 min read

5 Core Iron Bow Values and Why What We Do Matters

Have you ever noticed how there's a common thread running through our conversations, whether online, in person, or on social media at Iron Bow? It's the feeling that what we do really counts. That’s why our motto here is “What We Do Matters.” It's not just a phrase – it's what keeps us going. It's a friendly nudge reminding us that every little thing we do makes a difference, big or small. 


What We Aim to Achieve 

If you’re thinking about joining the Iron Bow team, or wonder about partnering with us, here’s a quick look into what we’re all about: 

  • Our Mission: Innovate the world.  
  • Our People: At Iron Bow, we care about the customer’s mission, value a culture of teamwork, and believe deeply in the power of technology to transform lives and communities. 
  • The Iron Bow Way: As we team with clients, colleagues, or partners, we put each other first. It’s the Iron Bow way. 


Our Five Core Values 

1. Integrity: When it comes to our partners, customers, and the marketplace, our reputation is based on hard-earned trust.

2. EX+CX=Total Experience: Without great employee experience, we can’t deliver the services our customers deserve. And we need the Total Experience to accomplish the Ultimate Experience. That’s why at Iron Bow, experience is everything to us. 

3. Innovation: We embrace transformation and constantly strive to think outside the box and ahead of the market. 

4. Philanthropy: Giving back to our communities is at the core of who we are. 

5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: We believe diversity means full acceptance, respect and inclusion of all people regardless of background, characteristics and perspectives. Iron Bow is an assemblage of differences and when we come together with acceptance and understanding, we make great things happen. 


A Peek Into What Goes On Behind the Scenes 

Let’s cast a spotlight on the unspoken moments that truly illuminate the soul of Iron Bow: 

Unspoken Acts of Kindness 

At Iron Bow, there's a tapestry of unspoken moments that weave through our culture – acts of kindness that go beyond the ordinary. It's the story of Rene, our CEO, taking a high school intern shopping for his first suit to prepare him for interviews or our Director of Contracts, Jodie Vaughn, preparing backpacks filled with school supplies every year for students. It's about the team filling up an employee's fridge after a natural disaster, showing that we're not just colleagues but a supportive community. 

Going Above and Beyond 

In the silent spaces of Iron Bow, you'll discover stories that resonate with going above and beyond. Whether it's the heartfelt gesture of covering funeral expenses or the countless instances where our team steps up to support one another during personal challenges, these unspoken deeds embody our commitment to doing the right thing. It's not just about business; it's about a shared ethos that defines us as more than coworkers – we're a community that cares. 

Supporting the Extended Family 

Beyond the office walls (or laptops) Iron Bow extends its commitment to the families in our community – our family-friendly events stand as a testament to our belief in supporting the extended family. We recognize that our team members are more than just individuals; they are part of larger networks that contribute to their wellbeing. Iron Bow's dedication to family-friendly events reflects our holistic approach to fostering a work environment where every aspect of our team's lives is valued and supported. 

The Power of Doing the Right Thing 

These unspoken acts echo the powerful sentiment of doing the right thing. It's not about recognition or fanfare; it's about a genuine desire to make a positive impact, to extend a helping hand when it's needed most. This ethos is the heartbeat of Iron Bow, an unwritten understanding that binds us together, creating a workplace where compassion, empathy, and support are not just values but lived experiences. 

Ultimately, we believe in creating a workplace where each person matters, where kindness is a language we all speak fluently, and where the unspoken becomes a powerful testament to who we are as a team. 

Sound like something you want to be a part of? Download our Culture Key to see if you’re ready to go with the Bow: Download Now 



Francesca El Attrash-Ukaejiofo

Francesca El Attrash-Ukaejiofo is an accomplished professional in marketing and corporate communications, specializing in communications, content development, and strategy, while also overseeing brand and design. With a strong foundation in SEO-led content creation and a passion for storytelling, Francesca brings a wealth of experience across various domains, having written for marketing agencies, government, B2B, and B2G organizations. Francesca excels in strategic thought leadership, crafting compelling short-form and long-form copy, including executive bylines, blogs, white papers, eBooks, ad copy, web, and video content. Her expertise spans diverse topics such as tech policy, marketing, cybersecurity, government, health IT, defense, and foreign policy. Notably, Francesca's ghostwritten work has earned placement in respected publications like the Hill, FedTech, DefenseNews, and NextGov. Holding a Master’s in Public Policy and fluent in four languages, Francesca leverages these skills to excel in storytelling, connecting with audiences, and fostering professional networks for the organizations she serves. Recognized for strengths in empathy and positivity, Francesca brings infectious enthusiasm to teams, contributing to a collaborative and talent-cultivating work environment.