Iron Bow Technologies recently hosted a powerful 'Believe in Women' event, spotlighting Monica Dixon, President of External Affairs and Chief Administrative Officer at Monumental Sports & Entertainment (MSE). In a fireside chat with Iron Bow’s President and CEO, Rene LaVigne, Dixon, a trailblazer in politics and sports management, brought invaluable insights from her extensive career spanning strategic consulting for high-profile institutions like the White House to leading initiatives at Monumental Sports.
About Monica Dixon: A Leader in Politics and Sports
Monica Dixon serves as President of External Affairs and Chief Administrative Officer at Monumental Sports & Entertainment, where she oversees communications, government relations, strategic planning, and project management. With a career deeply rooted in strategic and management consulting, Dixon has provided expert guidance to high-profile individuals and institutions, including the White House, national advocacy organizations, and candidates for federal office.
Throughout her career, Dixon has been a top strategist focusing on management, strategic communications, and public affairs for a U.S. vice president, CEOs of major corporations, numerous boards of directors, political campaigns, and issue-based organizations. She played an instrumental role in efforts to bring the 2024 or 2028 Olympics to Washington, D.C., making it to the final three in the bidding process alongside Boston and Los Angeles. Although the bid was ultimately awarded to Boston—and later to Los Angeles due to community opposition—Dixon's leadership and negotiation skills were critical throughout the process.
Monica Dixon's Career Journey: From Political Strategist to Sports Executive
Dixon’s career began in politics, where she quickly faced the challenges women encounter in male-dominated spaces. Reflecting on her early experiences, she recalled leading a party committee meeting only to have a candidate mistake her for support staff and ask for coffee. “That was 30 years ago,” Dixon shared, “but I’ve seen the landscape shift. Now, more women are leading crucial political work.”
Transitioning into sports management, Dixon played a pivotal role in bidding to bring the 2028 Olympics to Washington, D.C. Although the bid was awarded to Boston—and later to Los Angeles due to community opposition—her leadership in this high-stakes process underscored the importance of perseverance.
Key Advice for Women Entering Male-Dominated Industries
Dixon emphasized the necessity of mentorship and sponsorship as critical components for breaking into and succeeding in male-dominated industries. “Finding mentors is tough, but essential,” she noted, highlighting how mentors can provide guidance, open doors, and offer invaluable insights. However, Dixon was candid about the challenges of finding the right mentor and sponsor, stressing the need for transparency in acknowledging how difficult this process can be.
“Once you’re in, you have to deliver. Be the best performer in the room to stay in the room,” she advised. High performance is not just about meeting expectations but exceeding them consistently to prove your value and ensure longevity in your career.
Dixon also underscored the significance of being true to oneself. “Be who you are,” she encouraged, emphasizing that authenticity is key to building a sustainable and fulfilling career. Pretending to be someone else may offer short-term gains, but genuine confidence and self-assurance pave the way for long-term success.
Empowering Women Leaders Through Mentorship and Transparency
As Chair of the MSE Foundation Board, Dixon has championed transparency and constructive feedback. She believes in “leaving the ladder down” to make it easier for women to ascend. Recognizing the unique challenges working mothers face, she highlighted the need for organizations to adapt—suggesting flexible schedules and inclusive social activities.
She encouraged women to seek out feedback proactively, even when it’s difficult to hear. “Honest feedback helps you grow,” she said, emphasizing that constructive criticism, when paired with encouragement, can be a powerful tool for professional development.
Dixon shared that leaders play a vital role in fostering this environment. By identifying areas of improvement and offering praise where it’s due, leaders can help women navigate their careers more effectively. “Providing constructive feedback, paired with positive reinforcement, empowers women to recognize their strengths and address their weaknesses,” she explained.
Having twins at 37, Dixon paused her political career but returned stronger in the corporate world. She credits this to maintaining relationships and staying connected. “Things are changing,” she noted. “Younger staff benefit from partners who take paternity leave, making work-life balance more achievable.”
Strategies for Aligning and Leading Effective Teams
Dixon shared her approach to aligning team members and fostering collaboration. As a visual thinker, she uses mapping techniques to outline projects and navigate complex tasks. “I map everything out in front of me—it helps clarify the path forward,” she explained.
Planning is a cornerstone of her leadership style. Dixon dedicates time on Sunday evenings to outline the week’s goals and strategies. She believes in transparency, sharing this planning process with her team to ensure everyone is aligned and understands the next steps. “It’s important that your team knows the process—it brings clarity and fosters collaboration,” she noted.
Dixon also draws parallels between leading teams and parenting. “With my kids, it’s one step at a time—the same concept applies to managing teams. Breaking down tasks into manageable steps helps everyone stay focused and motivated,” she shared.
For her communications staff, Dixon emphasizes the importance of always knowing the next step. “Whether it’s a project or a meeting, everyone should be clear on what comes next. That’s how we maintain momentum and achieve our goals.”
Her leadership philosophy focuses on understanding individual motivations. “Being a leader isn’t about telling people what to do. It’s about making them feel uniquely part of the mission.”
Inspiring the Next Generation of Women Leaders
Monica Dixon’s journey from political strategist to a leading figure in sports management is a testament to resilience, authenticity, and the power of mentorship. Her insights at Iron Bow’s 'Believe in Women' event resonated deeply, inspiring us to continue fostering a culture where everyone gets to "be in the room and have a say.”
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